6.Württemberg Huszárok - Erdőszentgyörgy

A Württemberg Sándor Egyesület tagjai olyan elhivatottságot érző emberek, akik felvállalták a huszárság -mint népünk történelmi értékeinek megtestesítője - hagyományainak, szabályainak, erkölcsi alapjainak életben tartását



                       Dear friends, onored supporters!!

,,In fire and blood, burning in his bravery, out of a thousand fights, the Hungaryan Hussar once road ride to heaven''


       Such noble and brave thoughts were the guidelines of the foundation of Württemberg Sándor Association and within that, the

                     6th Württemberg Hussar Regiment.

      Among its members there are such dedicated feeling people who undertook the sustaining of the traditions, rules and morality of hussars –as the embodiment of the nation's historical values. Numerous young people have already applied for admission, from Bözöd and Erdöszentgyörgy. Our purposes next to preserving the military tradition-are cultural and charitable activities.


A type of irregular light horsemen was already well established by the 15th century in medieval Hungary.The hussars played a prominent role as cavalry in the 1848-1849 As light cavalrymen mounted on fast horses, they would be used to fight skirmish battles and for scouting. Most of the great European powers raised hussar regiments.The regular Hungarian hussar regiments had before and during the Revolution and War of  Independence 1848-1849 different names and battle-order numbers. It is one of the most glorious historical periods of the Hungarians. The “old” regiments – recruited before 1848 – wore their honorary owners’ names. The Emperor and King paid tribute to an aristocrat by honourable mentioning him in the name of an elite hussar regiment. These old Hungarian hussar regiments kept these traditions of the imperial-royal army during the 1848-1849 Revolution and War of Independence

Prince Alexander of Württemberg 

The Regiment get its name from the prince himself, once so popular in Hungary –whose wife, was countess Rhédey Claudia from Erdőszentgyörgy. Alexander of  Württemberg born on 9th September, 1804 was the son of Frederick (2nd) the last prince elector.


After a short period of military sevice in Württemberg, Prince Alexander joined the Austrian Army in his early years, where he attained high military honours extremely quickly, becoming general at the age of 40. He became the owner of the 11th Hussar Regiment in 1850 garnisoned in Wien at that time and which bore his name through 35 years: the famous and popular Württemberg Regiment. He went to the campaign in 1859 as general, being the commander of the 16th army corps. However Prince Alexander retired in the next year as general in cavalry. The  Regiment was garnisoned in Stiria in Radkersburg in 1833, while the 6 Hussar Regiment was transferred from Austerlitz to Wien. At last in the summer of 1848, 7 squadrons of the 6th Husssar Regiment got home to Hungary. The famous Lenkey squadron is well known whose desertation stands for the basis of the movie entitled ,,80 Hussars"  (1978) 



The 6th Württemberg Hussar regiment was re -established in 2009 with the overall aim – being true to our traditions – to go on parade on the occasions of national holidays and welcome the highest guests in the city of Erdöszentgyörgy and other settlements. Among its goals has been especially declared the reaffirming of the Hungarian Hussar traditions.


Each piece of his authentic reproduction of an 1848 Hussar’s uniform was explained in detail.




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